Fluke 6060B RF signal generator repair


Fluke 6060B RF signal generator repair

Fluke 6060B RF signal generator
.01 MHz - 1050 MHz in 10 Hertz steps

Sig gen performed well for many years.

Fault as of July 2023
Frequencies below 245 MHz missing.
Frequencies above 245 MHz OK.

Main circuit board

Held in place with 34 screws
each with blue thread lock.

Red circled area is where fault was found

Partial Block Diagram

HETL signal toggles between .01 MHz - 245 MHz
and 245 MHz - 1050 MHz.

HETL signal is OK

Red arrow points to fault location

Partial schematic diagram

After much trouble shooting it was discovered
the HETL (Red circle) signal to pin diode CR210 was 1.6 ohms to ground.

Trouble shooting required I cut traces on the PCB
The fault was found on the positive terminal
of the 2.2 uF electrolytic capacitor C 276 at the Red arrow.

Area of the fault

The short locates on the positive terminal
of the yellow electrolytic capacitor.

Top capacitor (C276) in rectangular blue box.

C 276 removed. Positive terminal is square box.

A whisker had grown between the positive terminal of C276 and ground.

The short remained after C276 was removed.
I had to use an exacto knife around the solder pad to clear the short.

C276 was tested for ESR and value, found OK and soldered back in place.

It took 30+ years for that whisker to grow.